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Routine maintenance of vibrating feeder

2023-04-18 15:36:02
 Due to the simple and robust construction, the vibratory feeder requires little maintenance. However, the following points should be noted:
1. The vibrating feeder needs to be lubricated, and the initial lubrication of the equipment is carried out in Dayong factory. Proper lubrication of equipment is very important. The rotary electrodynamic vibrator used may vary depending on the application. Check the nameplate on your rotary electric vibrator for the model number and manufacturer. Lubricate the rotary electric vibrator according to the manufacturer's recommendations. If the grease used is changed to another type or brand, the bearing must be thoroughly flushed beforehand.
2. Some materials tend to stick to and build up on the surface of the sink. This must be removed as part of daily use.
3. Monthly:
(a) Check the feeder and exciter strokes, they must not exceed the design limits of the feeder unit.
(b) Check the isolator springs and eyebolts (if suspension is installed) for any signs of wear. You should not hear any chattering or knocking.
(c) Inspect the controller for any visible signs of wear or damage.
4. If maintenance is required on the rotary electric vibrator, make sure it is done according to the rotary electric vibrator manufacturer's specifications.
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