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Customized vibrating screen meets black fly larvae screening needs

 A black fly larvae treatment plant

Requirements: The customer required a customized vibrating screen to meet the special requirements of black fly larvae screening.
Solution: Xinxiang Dayong Vibration Equipment Co., Ltd. customized a 800-3 rotary vibrating screen according to customer needs. According to the special size requirements of black fly larvae, appropriate mesh apertures are customized to ensure precise screening results. The machine is made of stainless steel to ensure hygiene and durability.
Effect: Through the customized 800-3 rotary vibrating screen, the customer was able to meet the special requirements for black fly larvae screening, improve the screening effect and production efficiency, and meet product quality and hygiene standards.
Please note that the above cases are fictional scenarios and are used for illustration purposes only. For real-life cases and detailed information about cooperation with Xinxiang Dayong Vibration Equipment Co., Ltd., please contact the company directly

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